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EXPERT Training Tool - Education version

Discover the features that make the EXPERT tool a state-of-the-art recommendation and training system for exercise prescription for CVD patients
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Do you want to have a quick introduction to the EXPERT tool, watch our promotional video here.
A word from our users
Browse the testimonials from fellow physicians and specialists using the EXPERT tool.

Personalized exercise prescriptions

Get exercise recommendations tailored to the specific patient patologies.

Get safety precautions

Get to know when to exercise caution while prescribing exercise recommendations for your patients.

Export the recommendation to the patient record

Export each recommendation to a PDF file that you can add to the (digital) patient record.

Browse the patients' prescription history

Revise the previous exercise recommendations that have been given to a patient and compare them to the current recommendation. Additionally, you can export the report to a PDF file.

Training center

Keep your exercise prescription skills sharp by completing the training cases you can find in the EXPERT tool. There are 64 cases of patients with CVD with different levels of complexity. Compare your recommendation for these cases with the one generated by the EXPERT tool, and thus, stay up-to-date with the latest EAPC guidelines.

Dominique Hansen

Associate Professor, Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology in Internal Diseases (Hasselt University/Jessa Hospital - Belgium)

With respect to exercise prescription in cardiovascular rehabilitation, all knowledge available from clinical guidelines, scientific evidence and expert opinions is brought together into a single algorithm and decision support system for the first time. The EXPERT tool will contribute to better exercise prescription and tailored exercise intervention for every patient with cardiovascular disease (risk).

Kim Bonne

Physiotherapist, Deputy Head of Department - Rehabilitation and Health Center (ReGo, Jessa Hospital - Belgium)

As a clinician it is important to choose the best evidence-based option of rehabilitation that exists for our cardiac patients. My experience shows that each clinician has their own way of creating a rehabilitation scheme. By using the EXPERT tool I can say that a lot of obstacles that influence rehabilitation will disappear. The EXPERT tool takes into account a lot of risk factors and exercise modifiers such as diabetes, obesity, dislipidemia, hypertension, sarcopenia, renal failure, COPD, etc. It also takes into account the side-effects of medication (on respiration and muscles), which has a strong influence on the training capacity of the patient. The summary of all these things gives a recommendation for the training. The EXPERT tool can ensure that all clinicians give the same training advice to their patients. So, a standard individualised training programme will be realised.

About the EXPERT tool

The EXercise Prescription in Everyday practice & Rehabilitative Training (EXPERT) tool is a training tool and decision support system that provides a personalised exercise prescription for cardiovascular diseases that follows the latest EAPC recommendations and evidence. This system assists physicians and healthcare professionals in choosing and adopting the optimal exercise intervention in patients with various CVDs and/or a combination of risk factors.

The EXPERT tool was officially launched on April 2017 at the EuroPrevent congress in Málaga, Spain. It has been developed by an interdisciplinary team of the Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM) and the Faculty of Medicine and Life Science of Hasselt University (UHasselt) in collaboration with the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC).

One year licenses for the EXPERT Training Tool are available for all ESC members. If you have not purchased your license yet, you can do it here. Once you receive your registration code by email you can come back to this website and register as an EXPERT tool user.

Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you need more information or if you have any question regarding the EXPERT tool.

EXPERT tool help and FAQ

Here you can find some pointers that can help you getting started with the EXPERT tool. When you log in you will also be able to view the user manual of the EXPERT Tool.

Q. I am using Internet Explorer and I cannot log in to the EXPERT tool

A. Microsoft Edge has replaced Internet Explorer. Thus, for security reasons we have blocked the access to the EXPERT tool system via Internet Explorer. We strongly recommend you to use the latest version any of the following Internet browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge. An up-to-date Internet browser and operating system ensures you have both security patches and updates with the latest available functionality.

Q. I logged in to the EXPERT tool, but the elements on the screen are not displayed properly

A. The minimal resolution supported by EXPERT tool is 1024x768, but we recommend you to use a screen with a resolution of 1280x768 or above. Another possibility is to change the zoom level of your Internet browser. Typically this can be achieved by pressing CTRL + 0, but please consult the user manual for more details.

How to contact us

If you need to get in touch with us, please send us an email to the following address ( We will process your request as soon as possible.